Best Practices
An app generated by Imagine follows known best practices outlined in the twelve-factor app methodology.
In this document, we have outlined the twelve-factor app principles as well as how we incorporate these when generating the code for an app.
One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys
- The app comes with built-in support for Github actions for running lint, unit tests, test coverage, code quality checks
- The app has a .gitignore that makes sure that temporary files are not commited to git
- The app has a high quality README file with the key commands available
Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
- The app uses mainstream package managers like yarn, npm, pip, poetry
- The app uses a single place to manage all dependencies
- The app ships with the latest available versions of all dependencies
- The app has dependabot integrated to help you keep all dependencies up to date with latest versions.
Store config in the environment
- There are no hard-coded passwords or access keys in the source code
- The app has built-in support for multiple environments
- The app loads required keys from environment variables
- The app uses standard names for environment variables
Backing services
Treat backing services as attached resources
- The app has support to connect to mainstream external databases
- Additionally, we will be releasing support for the following in upcoming versions:
- Integration with logging service providers
- Integration with monitoring systems
- Integration with product analytics services
Build, release, run
Strictly separate build and run stages
- The app comes with robust commands to trigger build, release and run stages
- The build creates optimized artifacts
- The app has providers flexibility to run in production using different options for server containers
Execute the app as one or more stateless processes
- The app runs as a stateless proces
- There is support built-in for runnig with docker compose
Port binding
Export services via port binding
- The app has ability to configure the port to run the service on
Scale out via the process model
- The app is stateless and can be scaled horizontally
- The app offers support for server containers that have ability to run multiple processes
Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
- App start and stop times are instant
Dev/prod parity
Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible
- The app code base is identical for different environments
- The app has support to provide different keys for different environments using environment variables
Treat logs as event streams
- Ability to send logs to a service provider of your choice is coming soon
Admin processes
Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes
- The app has support for various dashboards like Django admin, Admin Bro for Node, Swagger dashboard, GraphiQL dashboard.